Saturday, December 29, 2007

things to bring

ok looks like i found a counter so well see if anyone is reading this ;)

what to bring.. this is probaly going to be whats most on your mind before you, leave..
it was for me.. and after 2 trip here this is what i found.

for your feet: i was told by everyone you need hiking boots.. so i looked around a bunch and found a very light waterproof pair at REI, they are ok, but there really is no point at all of having them. (though they would have been nice for dirt biking in Chaing Mai) what you'll most likely end up using, is the same as eveyone that lives here uses, sandles.. flip flops to be more exacat. yep em cheap rubber things that you'd probaly never be calught dead in.. (at least what I thought) but you don't feel like such a chode becasue there the norm, no ones going to look twice.. and you maybe thinking well how about Tivas (you know thoses strapy sandles that look so very fantastic with socks ;), well i had a pair, i got them a long time ago for going fishing with some friends (from here on out Tivas shall be refered to as "cool guy sandles" cuz.. thay are not) well i brought them here with me, and never used them, they look way fucking stupid, i didn't find them to be comftable (but of cource your feet need to get used to any difrent style of shoe to what ever you use get used to them at home first, unless you want to walk aroun wearing holds in your toes.. thats what i did and it sucked!!) any ways, as i was saying, they are lame, a pain to take off every time you go into someones house, wat, ect. and if you go ona jungle hike you'll stub your toe need stictis and most likely your toe will fall off from some jungle bacterirea.. ok.. well maybe not that last part. but maybe.. anyways. i've found a pair of cross trainers are great for when your going to do alot of walking, or want to be able to go jogging while away. also i found at costco before i leaft this last time some werd sandles that you slip on like a shoe but they are all strapy, witha single strap at the rear, they work great for just about everything and you can use them as just slip ones if youjust squish down the strap..

any ways, i'll redo this right and add pics if it looks like anyone ends up reading it. woot

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

looks like no one is reading this.. if anyone dose email me at noblematthew45(at)
but i don't see an count tracker option, and have got no replys.. if anyone dose start reading it, i'll start again.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


You can take buses just about anywhere, umm strike that.. ANYWHERE in Thailand.
I just got off an 11 hour bus trip myself, still a bit loopy and confused.. anyways here's how I do it
once i know where i'm going i get to the Internet and look up the government (999) buses and the times they run, I normally look for the latest or second to latest leaving that night.
then i head off to the bus station a few hours early. it will take a bit of searching to find your ticket counter, there are tons of other company's but none as safe, dependable, sane as the government bus line also know as 999.
there are 2 or more main bus stations in BKK so make sure to note that as well.
if your small 5.6 or smaller around 100lbs 1st class is ok, or if your traveling with someone you don't mind touching the whole way.. other wise go V.I.P. it's about 200 baht more but your saving yourself the cost of renting a room for the night... (which is why i always take the night buses. you show up where your going early with the whole day before you.
have something warm to wear it's gonna be cold, and ear plugs because the 1st half is going to be with annoying thai tv blaring, and perhaps an animated cellphone conversation taking place next to you..
there will be a free meal which i usually skip because it's absolute kaose at the food terminals they stop at. you get a food vouture stapled to your bus tickets which you turn in for some questionable food. in a frenzy of half awake people. it can be interesting, but it can also land you missing your bus or like i did one time.. getting on the wrong bus (very easy to do, they all look exactly the same)(i look for the different patterns of the blankets that will be on the chairs)
when you arrive look around where you were sitting, it amazing how stuff wiggles out of your pockets while your sleeping. grab your bags. and fight your way the tuk tuk and cab drives that will attack once your out of the bus.
I claw my way through them and take a few moments to clear my head first.
the bkk terminal will have a metered taxi only area with signs to it, other places you'll have to barter a ride from a tuk tuk, I normally get turned down from a few while trying to figure out a good price into town. not a big deal theres always more.
the bus stations also have showers in there rest rooms which can be handy, if one is vacant. yea I should have used one of theses this morning, feeling icky!

Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm living in thailand, thai stye not tourest style

so I thought i could through out some helpful info.
I'm somewhat new to blogger so not sure exactly how this works but hopefully people can ask questions and I can do my best to give useful info.
over my last 9 months (and counting) I have zigzagged back and forth across south east Asia, on my own or with Thai family, friends, and strangers.
I've lived Thai style on farms, in city's, sharing a room with 7 people. riding with Thai biker gangs, plowing fields in rural villages..
anyways lets see where this takes us..

Please Ask Some Questions

lets see if my vast range of mistakes can be of value to you ;)