Thursday, April 2, 2009

creepy crawlies

when staying some where with bed bugs (look for all the icky gut smears on the walls from squished buggies) move the bed away from the wall, inspect the bed frame and matris (they usually live in the walls) cut water bottles in 1/2 and stick legs of bed into them, then fill with some water, it's a little bed bug mote, seems to help quite a bit.
also a good coating of Miskito repellent on shoulders and legs, maybe arms not a bad idea.
don't keep food in your room, unless you want some mice or rats to stop by for a snack.
and just try to remember it's Asia don't get too bent about it. yelling at the guy at the front desk won't do you much good, if it's so gross that you can't sleep they willl normally give you your money for the night back, but then what the fuck do you do, they may let you sleep in the lobby but theres probably yuckys there too.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

another quick tip..

if you drop a coin and it starts to roll away, don't step on it to stop it. there is an image of the king on all Thai $$ !!
(stepping on an image of the kind is like crapping on a flag in the oval office)
I don't think they still put people in jail for this, but you'll piss everyone around you off by doing this. really really don't do this. lol
found out this one the tough way..

(i used to go to a guy to get coconut shakes everyday after breakfast when i had an apt in Banglumpo, one time i dropped a coin and it started to roll away, i did this without thinking, couldn't understand why I got so many dirty looks, every time after I got a shake from that stand I got sick. maybe just a coincidence, I don't know but had to stop going there)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

quick tip

a quick tip for dealing with annoying, persistent motorbike taxis.
figured this out in Cambodia awhile ago (wish I had figured it out sooner ;)
always walk against traffic, that way they can't follow you for blocks hollering at you.
at times in Phonm Phen we had upto 20 guys (at a time) on motorbikes following us, yelling to get our attention.. "where you go" you want lady boom boom" something" and dose that get old fast!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

here's a tip honky!!

hey jackass.. a quick tip.
if you wouldn't be caught dead in something at home why in crap sakes would you bring it along across the world with you?!
and yes I've made this mistake aplenty..

(this came to mind in thanks to an adsence banner)
you look like a cunt!

ok ok gonna try this again!

after monsters encouragement I'm going to try bring this back to life.
I gave up because my jank blogger counter was saying only 2 people had read it.. whats the point of me spending time working on it if no one was gonna read it.. crap sticks.. 
but.. i for one have spent way too much time on line trying to figure out what to bring, where is safe, ect ect ect..
so maybe my trials and tribulations can be of some use to someone ealse..
ha we'll see ;)

once things really get on a roll I hope (fingers crossed) to update this bit by bit weekly or so (er that means check back now and then)

off and away lets see where this goes..

please feel free to post comments, suggestions, and all that.. 

Please Ask Some Questions

lets see if my vast range of mistakes can be of value to you ;)